Program And Manual for Basic Education Teachers (Primary and Secondary) Bujumbura, Burundi

The National Meeting of Experts to finalize the development of Kiswahili Training Program and Manual for basic education teachers of Kiswahili in Burundi was convened from 25th May to 28th May 2021 at Royal Palace Hotel, Bujumbura, Burundi.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, Ministry of EAC Affairs, University of Burundi and East African Kiswahili Commission (EAKC) staff.

 On behalf of the Ministry of EAC, Youth, Sports and Culture, Jean Claude Turizeye, Chief Advisor in Charge of Diplomatic Affairs, Department of Political and Diplomatic Affairs welcomed the delegates to the meeting and thanked the EAKC for organizing a meeting critical in implementation of Kiswahili activities in Burundi.

He informed the delegate that the meeting presents a great opportunity for Kiswahili stakeholders in Burundi to finalize the development of Kiswahili training Programme and manual that will used in improving the quality of Kiswahili teacher both in primary and secondary levels of education. Other benefits associated with promotion of social interactions and cultural exchanges amongst EAC countries will be enhanced. 

modules for the draft program

In addition to the above modules, the meeting developed new sub units for every module whose content will play a key role in development of the Manual


  1. The Ministry of Education & Scientific Research will take lead in implementation of the Programme.
  2. The Ministry of EAC, Youth, Sports and Culture and EAKC to administer implementation of the Programme.
  3. The EAKC to organize a regional meeting of experts to validate the national Programs and Manuals by August, 2021.
  4. The EAKC to develop a roadmap to facilitate the commencement of implementation of the Program by 31st December, 2021.
  5. The RSS to join the EAC secondary schools assay writing competitions to give them opportunity to compete in asses in Kiswahili.

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The National Meeting of Experts to Finalize the Kiswahili Training Programme and Manual for Trade and Business (SMEs) in Rwanda was convened from 22nd June to 25th June 2021 at Grand Legacy Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, University of Rwanda, Private Sector, Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy and East African Kiswahili Commission (EAKC) staff

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Rwanda, Mr. Oswald Nyakana, EAC and Eastern Africa Officer, Department of East African Community and Eastern Africa Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation welcomed delegates to the meeting and thanked the East African Kiswahili Commission for convening the meeting.

He informed the meeting that participants were selected based on their expertise and also because they had participated in the previous meetings to develop the program. He noted that the programme would be used in the teaching of Kiswahili to the Rwandan business community especially the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). He further noted that this activity will enable the experts further develop their program development skills. He urged the participants to maintain all COVID 19 preventive measures.

. Based on the previous works of the regional experts and national stakeholder meetings, The Draft Kiswahili Training Program and Manual for Trade and Business (SMEs) in Rwanda was reviewed and relevant adjustments made. Special consideration was made on the needs of the business community in Rwanda to exploit the importance of Kiswahili language as a tool for trade and business.


  1. The EAKC and Rwanda to mobilise resources for the implementation of the programme.
  2. To involve private sector in the implementation of the programme.
  3. The Commission to draft the budget for implementation of the programme and share with responsible ministries for input before the programme is presented to the Sectoral Council and Council for consideration.
  4. The Commission to consider development of a manual to cater for advanced Kiswahili learners in the future.

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Program And Manual for Secondary School Teachers of Kiswahili in South Sudan

The National Meeting of Experts to finalize the development of Kiswahili Training Program and Manual for the secondary school teachers of Kiswahili in South Sudan was convened from 4th May to 7th May 2021 at Juba Grand Hotel, Juba, South Sudan.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of General Education & Instruction, Ministry of Information, Communication Technology & Postal Services and EAKC staff

On behalf of the Ministry of General Education & Instruction Mr. Soro Scopus Lubang, Director for Curriculum, Curriculum Secretariat welcomed the delegates to the meeting and thanked them for honoring the invitation. He pointed out the growing importance of Kiswahili as a language of wider communication in the EAC region and which RSS also needs to take advantage of for enhanced interactions within the EAC. He noted that RSS has no specific ministry responsible for Kiswahili matters but this is currently being housed under the Ministry of General Education & Instruction/Ministry of Trade, Industry &East African Community Affairs. He informed the meeting that Kiswahili is one of the foreign languages in the new South Sudan curriculum and is to be taught in secondary schools.

modules for the draft program

In addition to the above modules, the meeting developed new sub units for every module whose content will play a key role in development of the Manual.


  1. The Ministry of General Education & Instruction to seek clearance from security institutions before commencement of the training.
  2. The EAKC to organize a regional meeting of experts to validate the national Programs and Manuals by August, 2021.

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Programme And Manual for Parliament of Uganda

The National meeting of experts to finalize the development of a Kiswahili Training Programme and Manual for the Parliament of Uganda was convened from 29th March to 1st April, 2021 at Protea Hotel Entebbe, Uganda.

The meeting was attended by Kiswahili experts from the Ministry of Gender, Labour Social Development, Ministry of Education and Sports, Ministry of EAC Affairs, Parliament of Uganda, Makerere University, Kabale University, National Curriculum Development Centre, Kiswahili Teaching and Enhancement Program and staff of the EAKC.

Mr Edward Sebina, Commissioner Social Affairs, Ministry of East African Community Affairs Uganda (MEACA) welcomed the delegates and thanked them for sparing their valuable time to attend the meeting. He informed the delegates that the purpose of the meeting was to finalize the Kiswahili Training Programme for Parliament in Uganda and develop its manual. He emphasized the important role that Kiswahili can play in the different facets of EAC integration thus the need to have Kiswahili used by various national stakeholders. He informed the delegates that the Republic of Uganda had prioritized the use of Kiswahili by Parliament thus the need to develop the program and manuals to train parliamentarians in the use of Kiswahili. He further informed the delegates that in preparation for this meeting, a preparatory meeting was convened at the Ministry of East African Community Affairs, with participants drawn from the Parliament of Uganda, Ministry of Education, National Curriculum Development Centre, Academia and Private sector.

modules for the draft program

In addition to the above focus areas, the meeting considered stakeholder mapping and monitoring, evaluation and reporting as key components of the programme to assist in identifying key stakeholders and also provide a monitoring and evaluation framework.


  1. The meeting recommends that the scope of this intervention be expanded beyond training to a broad capacity building program to include activities such as; setting up of a Kiswahili desk, translation of key parliamentary documents and identifying key champions.
  2. Training programme to be costed by national stakeholders.
  3. The need to conduct needs assessment to members of 11th parliament to determine entry points for the training programme.
  4. Need to plan for midterm and end- term evaluation of the programme.
  5. There is urgent need to cascade the programme to Local Governments structures.

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Programmme And Manual For Parliament Of Kenya

The meeting was attended by representatives of the following entities:

  1. Ministry of EAC and Regional Development.
  2. Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage.
  3. Ministry of Education.
  4. Parliament of Kenya.
  5. Council of Governors.
  6. Kiswahili Department, Kenyatta University.
  7. Kiswahili Department, Moi University.
  8. Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and
  9. Staff of the EAKC.

Ms. Tabitha Masinjila, Director Social Affairs, State Department of EAC on behalf of the Ministry of EAC and Regional Development, welcomed the delegates to the meeting and thanked them for honouring the invitation. She pointed out that Kiswahili is recognised as an official and national language in the Constitution of Kenya and the Standing Orders. She also appreciated the progress made by Parliament of Kenya to enhance the use of Kiswahili. Both the Senate and National Assembly have translated their Standing Orders from English to Kiswahili. She also noted the critical role of Kiswahili in national development and regional integration. 

She informed delegates that during the capacity assessment exercise conducted in 2017, the Republic of Kenya prioritized the development of a Kiswahili Training Programme to facilitate the use of Kiswahili by the National Assembly, Senate and County Assemblies. She reminded the delegates that they were invited as experts and key stakeholders to contribute towards the finalization of the Programme and Manual.

modules for the draft program

In addition to the above thematic areas, the meeting developed new sub themes (sessions) for every thematic area whose content will play a key role in development of the manual.


  1. The Zero draft of the training manual be reviewed, updated and finalise by July, 2021.
  2. The EAKC to mobilise additional funding for the translation of both the Programme and Manual from English to Kiswahili by October, 2021.
  3. The EAKC to organise a regional meeting of experts to rationalize, standardize and validate the national Programme and Manuals by December, 2021.
  4. The EAKC to develop a roadmap to facilitate the commencement of implementation of the programme by 31st January, 2022
  5. The need to develop modules and other digital resources.
  6. s intervention be expanded beyond training to a broad capacity building program to include activities such as; setting up of a Kiswahili desk, translation of key parliamentary documents and identifying key champions.
  7. Training programme to be costed by national stakeholders.
  8. The need to conduct needs assessment to members of 11th parliament to determine entry points for the training programme.
  9. Need to plan for midterm and end- term evaluation of the programme.
  10. There is urgent need to cascade the programme to Local Governments structures.

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East African Kiswahili Commission

Maisara Roard – Opposite Zanzibar Central Library

Po Box 600, Zanzibar,URT

Tel: + 255-024-2232704

